
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Taking a break from De-cluttering

My husband works for his own business on Fridays and Saturdays, so those days are not as routine for me.  We get up later (yay!) and we are usually called away from our normal tasks to help him and/or in my case, discussing plans for the current project/projects.  So we took a break from de-cluttering and helped him.

The current project is cutting down an over-grown pasture.  We are also bringing home firewood for heating our house.  Last night, he and I and the littler ones went to the big city :) to get some things and we came home with a log splitter. 

Unloading the things from our trip to the city

These long boxes are for our project over Thanksgiving - new siding

The boys are a huge help to Dad

Even the little ones are a help to Dad - putting away the little things

Lunch and snacks for our trip to the pasture - we were too busy playing with our new toy so lunch was here

The toy - not really.  Dad is wondering why we didn't get one sooner

All the older boys learning how to work the machine

In action

The wood to be split

The dry stuff goes through the basement window

And the wet wood to be stacked

The wet wood goes behind our cedar line and up against the fence that was falling - and now it's not falling anymore

Preparing to leave for the pasture

Twigs and sticks to haul to the burn pile

And more wood to split - a never ending job it seems
Have a great weekend

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