
Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 33 - Toy shed

Uggh!  This is a space that needs some work. 

There are a lot of us, but I don't think we need that many bikes. 
The boys pulled out all the stuff and sorted it into piles. 
My job was to put it back and decide what goes to the dump.
Almost nothing is salvageable for passing on to someone else. 

Nice, "clean", dirt floor.

The bikes where they belong.
On the to-do list: make a bike stand for all of these

The chairs and sleds.
I saved a few small trikes for the kids I babysit

I know it's still full-looking, but I put about three or four bikes in the back of the red van for taking to the dump.  There was also a bunch of trash that needed to be burned and balls that are flat, and other things to go to the dump as well.

Yeah, we are so close.  Tomorrow, the garden shed.  I'm putting all the stuff to go to the dump in the red van.  I can do that now.  We use our new van for hauling kids around, so the red van is available to store trash in, until I can get this finished and get it to the dump. 

Inevitably, when I've finished the trip to the dump, there will be more.  There's always more!!!!!!

Making the most of today,


  1. We hang our bikes when they are not in season.

  2. Great idea. I would love to do it, but haven't figured out yet how to make it work without dh's help. So after this de-cluttering season, I'm planning on doing a diy project in each of the rooms. We'll see how that goes.
