
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bible study - Pursuing God

Pursuing this one of your biggest desires - to know Him more?  How do we do this?  How do we pursue Him. 

Matthew 6:33  "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

How do we do this?  I think I've said this before in regards to house cleaning and I do think it bears repeating here.  Pick one thing.  Choose one aspect to study - i.e. motherhood, names of God, being a wife.  Then, look up the verses that are connected to those things and study, study, study.

I know you may feel like you have no time.  Try just five minutes.  Set the timer.  Does that make you want to throw up your hands and say, "Whatever for?  I'll barely get started and then the timer will go off." 

Trust me, just try five minutes.  Obviously our goal is to end up with more minutes than five, but for a starting spot - try it. 

The same thing with our prayer time - try five minutes.

Pursue Him with your whole heart.  I have cards on a ring for ideas of prayer for my children and another for my husband.  They hang on the handles of my kitchen cupboards. While I'm making breakfast, I look at the card for the day and pray over that and think about it.

Do one new thing.  Make a new habit.  Practice it every day for a month and then add another.  Find a book that you'd like to study and make it your goal for this year to read through it.  My current book is called "A Good Wife's Guide: Embracing your Role as Help-Meet."  I read a bit each day - though I must tell you that is the goal and I've gotten away from it the past few days.

Making the most of today,

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