
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Kids' closet #1 - Week 5 Day 1

Today was what I call a two-fer - a two-for-one.  I had my boy in his room and before he'd had his coffee.  I hauled all the hangars out of the closet and proceeded to have him tell him which was his and which was his brother's.  They share a closet but the older brother is gone and has taken most of what he cares about to college anyway. 

I had worked through the summer bit by bit sorting and organizing their closet, boxing up older brother's special things for him to deal with later.  We're assuming he'll have a different room in the attic by the time he needs those items, so it made sense just to box them up already.

I found a few coats and lots of jeans that are old.  Some nice jeans that are too small for them we saved for the younger brothers and a coat that's very nice.

Total for donation or throwing away: 16 items

Total for the challenge: 317 items; Goal through today: 210 items

Remember you don't have to do all of this in one day.  If you can't do this much break it down - one shelf in the closet is better than nothing.  Don't let being overwhelmed paralyze you and keep you from doing anything.

Keep pressing on,

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