
Monday, May 12, 2014

I despise schedules

I have a love-hate relationship with schedules.  I love making them and hate keeping them.

Today we started getting the kids up to have breakfast with Dad before he leaves for work.  I must admit I knew we need to, but I didn't want to.

We need to because our family values aren't real to our children anymore.  We feel that being together and being intentional about parenting will help.

But I don't want to because I enjoy being up before the kids, and spending time doing my memory work, and I didn't have a plan set up to keep them busy, so we wouldn't just turn on the TV for entertainment and forget all the things that needed to be done.

I'm selfish - I want my alone time.  And it's necessary if it helps me to be a better mom.  But if it's just because I deserve it, I don't need it.  Plus during nap time, I have time for quiet, it's just a matter of choosing it.

I'm selfish - I want to do my own thing.  I really want my kids to do what it takes to get ready and I don't want to be bothered with the details.  But I need to realize that this is my one and only opportunity to help them become the adults they need to be.

Our world is full of parents who sit on the couch and expect others to do for them.  Do I really want to be that parent?  Well, I really don't want someone to do for ME, I just want everyone to do for themselves and not bother me.  Is that too much to ask?

Yes.  I'm a mom....of SEVEN!  What did I expect when I signed on?  Certainly not that I would get to eat bonbons and prop my feet up!  It was my choice.

My kids need me.  They need me to do with them.  They need me to be excited when they finish their list... to encourage them and strengthen them and to applaud their efforts and to help them learn to be disciplined in their lives.  It may not look like what I think it should when they are adults, but that won't be my problem then.  It is MY problem now.

I need to help my children learn self-control.  Yes, Mommy feels like sitting on the couch too.  As soon as we get done with our chores, let's sit and read a book together.

I need to help them with anger management.  Yes, you are angry that things have flipped upside down and you no longer can spend your morning on the couch playing games on your Kindle.  Your attitude determines how this morning will go to a large extent.  If you turn it around, and get on board, you may have some Kindle time before the bus gets here.

I need to help them with manners.  Rudeness is not acceptable when brushing teeth is the next thing on your list and someone is using the bathroom.  Politeness is always necessary.

When I do my own thing and expect my children to do their own, parenting is non-existent in my home.

A verse that has been on my heart when it comes to being a mom is - "She opens her mouth with wisdom and the law of kindness is on her tongue."    When I have a schedule, I'm not as far behind as I would be if I didn't have a schedule.  I have a plan.  Every business has one or they aren't effective.

This morning despite tired eyes and some grumbling hearts, I was able to keep my cool for the most part and have wisdom and kindness on my tonugue.

Keep pressing on,

P.S. More tomorrow on a plan

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