
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How did I make my cleaning plan?

First I want to say that my plan is still formulating.  I probably will still find things that need to be done consistently that aren't on my plan.  I can already think of one - cleaning the fridge!  Really, I actually  forgot that.  FLYLady does it about once a month, but I've found that I really need it done more on a weekly basis.

So I start with the bedrooms - what are the things that need doing?  What needs to be done daily?  What needs to be done weekly?  Notice, I'm not asking what needs to be done monthly.  I'm going to work on these basics first and then add more things.  But I'm also trying to follow FLYLady and she usually has things that need to be done monthly on her e-mail each day, so I'll work at following her.

Two lists, daily and weekly.  Make it easy, but also detailed.  My little kiddos need help with detailed steps, so I made this list for their daily bedroom chores.
Bedroom details

o   Remove all toys, clothes and other things from your bed.
o   Pull sheets and blankets up over the pillow
o   Fold any other blankets and place them on the end of the bed.
o   Place stuffed animals neatly along the wall.
o   Put things on your dresser away.
o   Close all the drawers.
o   Put things on the desk away.
o   Straighten books.
o   Put all dirty clothes in one laundry basket.
o   Put all hangars in the other laundry basket
o   Pick up everything on the floor.
o   Empty trash.

o   Bring down the laundry baskets.
Your steps will look different, and there are some days where they won't have to do one of the things on the list.  I also picked one thing to focus on each day.

  • Mondays, we clean under our beds
  • Tuesdays, we clean our dressers and straighten them up
  • Wednesdays, we clean our closets and organize them
  • Thursdays, we clean our desks
  • Fridays, we clean the floors in our room
It really doesn't take very long, maybe 15 minutes, when we do it every day.

More on this tomorrow.

Keep pressing on,

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