
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Decluttering - Week 7 Day 4 - Games and Puzzles

Today the project is games and puzzles for me.  If you are paying close attention to the list, you will see that it should have been the shed, but it's pouring and I have appointments today, so the shed will have to wait.

I've been doing some puzzles to see if we have enough of the pieces to save them and give them away or if we need to throw them away.

So far I have found 3 puzzles to give away, and 1 game we tried playing with Grandma this week, ugh it was way hard.  I didn't find it fun at all.

I have a box for collecting all the pieces to puzzles and games that I find around the house.  I will go through that today and sort and figure out which games don't have enough pieces to make it worth it to save it.  I found a puzzle the other day with 30 pieces missing out of 500.  Too many to keep it or even give it away, it had to go in the trash.  Hopefully it was a lesson learned to my daughter who loved that horse puzzle.  Keep your things neat and picked up and don't leave puzzles on the floor to be trampled.

I also have some toys I've passed on.  We're past the baby years.  So that's another 15 toys.   With more prepared to be given away as well.

Well after going through our games and puzzles, I found 19 things total, plus the 15 toys I've given away, equals 34 things.

Total for the challenge is 760.

Keep pressing on,

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