
Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So, I'm keeping up with this a bit much since it's new. Mostly this is for my own personal record of how I'm doing. I want to be faithful to do the things I need to do, so that when I have my personal time, I can think, "Yep, I've been working hard to get things done and taking my break is just fine." Just doing my best. I didn't get the kitchen cleaned like I wanted it today, but tomorrow we'll work again, and more will get done. I don't have any outside work during the day, so that helps. We aren't paying for daycare for all the kids, so I work nights when my dh (dear husband) is home. Read a chapter in Little Britches while the kids sat nearby on rugs outside. They are free to do things while I read, but they just need to be within earshot of the story. They love reading time and beg for it quite a bit.

I don't want anyone to think that they should have a schedule that looks like mine or that I follow my schedule all the time. Interruptions come at time when I least expect it and it takes work to "roll with the punches". Things happen and it's just easier on everyone if I walk in the Spirit and respond appropriately to the children. Schedules have to be flexible and fit our needs, we shouldn't have to fit them.

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