
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I've really been thinking about how to be more patient with teaching. One thing I've noticed if I get bogged down in my own things, I don't usually have success being patient when the kids ask me questions or have needs with their work. Also "He who fails to plan, plans to fail." So when I wake up in the morning with a plan in hand, I'm set.

This doesn't mean that I don't get impatient, but that the chances that I'm tempted are less. When I have a plan posted on the fridge, the kids know what the expectations are for them and they aren't surprised. They actually might be surprised if they find that I stick to the plan. I have a very hard time with that.

I love to make a plan and do it for a week and then leave it altogether. I think, in our family, we need to have a plan and tweak it where necessary, but mostly always stick to that plan or the tweaked one.

Like Elizabeth George says in her book "Loving God with all your mind", we must be prepared for a major upheaval to our plan for the day and if this happens then we need to evaluate the interruption and decide if it's from the Lord or not. If it is, then we are to accept that with our whole hearts and "always abound in the work of the Lord."

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